Can I Install HVAC UV Light in an Outdoor Environment? - A Guide for Homeowners

Homeowners looking to improve their home's air quality should consider installing HVAC UV lights. Learn more about how to install them safely and effectively.

Can I Install HVAC UV Light in an Outdoor Environment? - A Guide for Homeowners

Homeowners looking to improve the air quality in their homes and reduce the need for maintenance and repair work should consider installing HVAC UV lights. UVC systems for HVAC are installed inside HVAC equipment or ducts, making them safe and effective at eliminating mold and bacteria. A professional should be hired to ensure proper installation of the UV lamp, as a poor installation can defeat the purpose of installing it. Both types of disinfectant lights prevent dirt from accumulating and passing through the air conditioning system, improving indoor air quality.

Studies suggest that UV lights kill germs at high speed, making them an effective means of controlling mold inside the air controller. The right HVAC UV light can improve indoor air quality and the functionality of your system. An expert installation is required to connect the UV lights to the HVAC evaporator, so that the two systems can operate simultaneously. Homeowners should consider starting with a coil sterilizer and then installing an air sterilizer once they see the results.